Explorations into Gold Hydrogen
An update on our exploration into the gold or natural hydrogen

What is gold hydrogen?
Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, but it rarely exists in pure forms. Current production methods can be expensive, emissions-intensive and can require large amounts of water.
Gold hydrogen is naturally occurring hydrogen that:
Accumulates naturally under the ground, generated by geological processes.
Can be produced using proven engineering practices with minimal environmental impacts and has a small footprint compared to other exploration activities.
As a replacement for carbon-based fuels, naturally occurring hydrogen offers significant cost and emissions advantages relative to other sources of hydrogen production.
Gold Hydrogen does not require fracking or hydraulic stimulation to be produced.
Grey hydrogen, produced from fossil fuels, costs less than $2 per kilogram of hydrogen on average, while green hydrogen, produced using renewable electricity, is currently more than three times pricier. The cost of green hydrogen is expected to come down as electrolyzer pricing falls in the coming years, and yet, white hydrogen is still expected to be cheaper.
Scalable solution addresses deployment constraints of traditional PHS. Grid-scale (10-100MW) and long duration (4-16hrs) Private investors include a partnership with Chilean utility Colbun to develop energy storage projects. The use of Sibanye-Stillwater mined minerals in the R19 HD fluid could unlock win-win synergies.
Why partner?
Reduced risks — PHS is proven technology. Symbiotic partnership — substantial requirement for minerals / tailings for their R19 HD fluid. Skunk works test laboratory in Montreal, Canada, testing different pump and liquid technologies. Big ambitions — aligned with our earthshot. RheEnergise are also looking to co-create the solution using mining and engineering expertise.

RheEnergise Company Investment Pack
Enabling the energy transition with low-cost,
scalable energy storage
Investor Presentation
January 2024
Green Gravity

More about their solution
Moves heavy weights vertically in legacy mine shafts to capture and release the gravitational potential energy of the weights. By simply using proven mechanical parts and disused mine shafts, Green Gravity’s energy storage technology is low-cost, long life and environmentally compelling.
Green Gravity offers a promising partnership due to its innovative use of existing mine shafts. Utilising proven mechanical parts to move weights vertically, this technology repurposes disused infrastructure while minimising environmental impact, providing a scalable and sustainable energy solution.
Projects to date
The launch of the Gravity Lab in Port Kembla, Australia. The lab is designed to gather precise performance data and test the capabilities of their gravitational energy storage system. Partnership with Complexul Energetic Valea Jiului SA (CEVJ) will study the use of Green Gravity’s gravitational energy storage technology in 17 mine shafts in Romania - Nov 2023.
Why partner?
Good expertise in mining
Innovative energy storage tech
Repurposing mines for renewable energy. Preparing to commercialise: Gravity (living) Labs Located: Port Kembla and Mineshaft Demo Located: Hunter Valley

Green Gravity Investment Pack
A developer of gravitational energy storage systems that repurpose legacy mining assets
Background Briefing
April 2024